The spirit of the Host Leadership gathering in Sofia
The time is right for yet another post inspired by the amazingly humane online talk hosted by Diana Ivanova for the participants in the Host Leadership Gathering in Sofia, June 2024.
Hosting a Garden Party
The time is right for yet another post inspired by the amazingly humane online talk hosted by Diana Ivanova for the participants in the Host Leadership Gathering in Sofia, June 2024.
Host Leadership Works, We’ll Do More of It!
Host Leadership stories can emerge from practically anywhere, holidays being an excellent source.
Host Leadership Roles Revisited
Host Leadership stories can emerge from practically anywhere, holidays being an excellent source.
The Host Leadership Gathering 2024 in Summary
Host Leadership stories can emerge from practically anywhere, holidays being an excellent source.
Taking the Lead
Host Leadership stories can emerge from practically anywhere, holidays being an excellent source.
Embracing the Future of Leadership: The Transformative Power of the Host Leader Model and Metaphor
In today’s rapidly changing world, the metaphor and model of Host Leadership offer a powerful perspective for those seeking to navigate the complexities of leadership inclusively and effectively.
Be A Great Host With Care, Micro-Solidarity And Micro-Affirmations
Our sixth blog has been contributed by Mark McKergow. Remarkably rich in both ideas and narrated experience.
The Host Is Both The First And The Last
A true story, an old proverb, and so many lives saved.
I Want To Be A Host
This is Leah’s fourth post related to the forthcoming HOST LEADERSHIP GATHERING in Sofia, 3-4 June. In the three previous posts we looked at the importance of space creating in the world of school teachers, at the possibilities of gatekeeping in the restaurant business, and, at the four positions of an impromptu leader in a dire situation. This time, we learn from the story of a newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of a large company.